Most news and technical reports about publicly traded companies often include a brief mention of their market capitalization or market cap. A lot of people also gauge the size
Tag: Strategy
An aggressive risk profile revolves around having a higher risk tolerance and higher expected or anticipated returns compared to moderate and conservative profiles. This means that an aggressive investor
There are investors whose main approach to investing is to go against the tide. Their opinions are unpopular, and their decisions are quite unorthodox compared to the greater consensus.
Opposite to aggressive investors are the conservative investors. Their risk tolerance is even lower than that of moderate investors. These people do not find high-risk and high-reward investing appealing.
The defining characteristics of conservative investors revolve around wealth preservation and risk aversion. Hence, based on this general preference, a conservative investment strategy involves selecting investment options or investing
Company analysis is one of the main three components of fundamental analysis. It is also worth mentioning that an integral part of performing a company analysis is evaluating the
Fundamental analysis examines the fundamentals of a particular investment or company. This can be likened to examining the blueprint for a building. It focuses on the basic or essential
A moderate investor is an investor with a risk profile that sits between an aggressive risk profile and a conservative risk profile. Hence, true to the label, this investor
Legendary investors such as Warren Buffett, the chairperson of Berkshire Hathaway, and Peter Lynch, the former fund manager of Fidelity Magellan Fund and current chairperson of Lynch Foundation, are
Both stocks and bonds are two of the most popular securities and asset classes for investors. Some investors prefer investing in stocks because of their higher potential for capital