Investors and traders use technical analysis to evaluate an asset and determine investment or trading opportunities using graphical representations of historical data. The principles of this analytical methodology are
Tag: Trading
Speculative stocks are a type of stocks issued by companies with fundamentals that do not show apparent strength or sustainability. These companies are subjected to speculation because their stocks
Speculative stocks represent a type of stocks characterized by high risks and the potential for high returns. They are issued by small or relatively unknown companies with little to
Investing in cyclical stocks has notable advantages and disadvantages. Of course, despite the risks involved, adding them to a portfolio of stocks can help an individual reduce the overall
Cyclical stocks represent one of the different types of stocks that are categorized based on their alignment with a particular investment strategy. They specifically are shares of companies that
Investing in large-cap stocks or big-cap stocks is common among investors seeking to maximize the benefits of both growth investing and value investing. Note that these stocks are issued
Mid-cap stocks sit between small-cap stocks and large-cap stocks. They are one of the three types of stocks based on market capitalization. Furthermore, they are also abundant in the
Growth stocks collectively represent one of the several types of stocks categorized based on the involved investment strategy. Investing in these stocks demonstrates adherence to the principles of growth
Investing in value stocks adheres to the principles of value investing. These stocks are one of the several types of stocks based on the involved investment strategy. They represent
There are three types of stocks based on the market capitalization of issuing companies. These are small-cap stocks, mid-cap stocks, and large-cap stocks. Note that market capitalization or market